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Hey Bre- I would look into two things.

I. Do you truly look friendly?

II. Who do you hang around?

I.Do you truly look friendly? When you are approached or hanging around- what is your demeanor? facial expressions? body language? Are you doing things that say, I am friendly? When you talk are your eyes rolling, hands on your hips?

In Proverbs, the Bible say, "A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly!"

I would take a look at myself in the mirror, study my body, and make the changes that reflect I am friendly!

II. Who do you hang around? "Birds of a feather, flock together!" a saying that is backed up by Proverbs, Bad company corrupts good morals" If you are hanging around a particular crowd, that is known for certain type of behaviors- you will automatically be associated with what that crowd. It doesn’t matter how friendly you are or how well behaved you think you are- you are a representative of that crowd- Look at your friends and make sure you choose them wisely because their action can also corrupt your image.

Love, Nikki

What are some things Bre can do to change others perception of her?



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